Monday, 21 January 2013

Why We Write in Coffee Shops ? Writing Out Loud

It used to be with a typewriter in a garret, but now the image of the writer is of the corner table at a Starbucks with laptop and latte. Pre-industrial writers locked themselves away in?monasteries? Ok, not exactly the order of events but you get the picture?writers who get away from their homes and hide away to suffer the pains of writing in silence.

It may seem counter-intuitive?that the coffee-house writer is locked away alone when they are surrounded by the hubbub of a busy place. Yet it is that hubbub white noise that protects the writer. In a crowd, one can actually be solitary and observing.

And even better, the coffee shop writer has some wonderful benefits that go beyond the easy access to snacks and drinks. ?There?s no laundry to be done, or desk to be cleaned out, or pets that need petting, or any of the million of distractions that are hard to ignore at home. ?Because at home, we have a limited amount of time to get things cleaned and organized and family to make happy. ?It?s much harder to put those distractions aside when they are right there in your face demanding attention.

The coffee-shop writer does have other hazards that might not be there at home. ?The food and drink that?s so easily available is expensive and generally not very good for you. ?The wifi is generally just as ubiquitous and hard to turn off as at home. ?You can?t control the temperature of the room, or the comfort level of the seating. ?There will be days where the place is filled with screaming children, adults yelling into cell phones, people who interrupt your work to ask how you can possibly be working in this place, and the like.

Still, I like writing in coffee shops. ?I don?t drink coffee and avoid the pastries, but I always try to buy something and am extra nice to the staff for the?privilege?of taking a table for a few hours.


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