Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Yeshiva World Lakewood Mashgiach: Saying Lomdei Torah ...

rmsThe daily Yated Neeman quotes Lakewood Mashgiach HaGaon HaRav Matisyahu Solomon Shlita telling talmidim that one who believes lomdei Torah are not actively ?sharing the burden? is speaking apikorsus.

The Mashgiach explained that there are those who believe ?we simply take from others without contributing. They believe that we do not share in the burden. Chazal teach us that one who says ??? ???? ?? ???? is an apikorus for every talmid chacham who studies Torah give the world more than all the others.?

The Mashgiach?explained ?We are aware that we give more than we take, but the world perceives the situation differently, as if we take without giving a thing. Rav Solomon explained the need for caution and having the proper kavona when learning and the need to learn Sifrei Mussar towards properly understanding this inyan properly.

He spoke of the enormous responsibility resting on the shoulders of the lomdei Torah for this is the koach that has the potential of saving us all including from those trying to pull lomdei Torah to a different path chas v?sholom.

HaRav Solomon said if there are ??????? on the Torah, the Gra teaches us that this is a sign of the ?????? against us in Shomayim and while today we do not have prophets, one can know this is bases on ???? ???? ???? and we must look and see from where the ??????? come from and this is the area where the teshuvah and ????? ????? must be focused.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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